Entry ban

Table of contents

entry ban cancellation nederland lawyer objection entry ban conditions

Entry ban lifted Netherlands

entry ban schengen
Immigration and Naturalization Service IND
Entry ban procedure
immigration law attorney enschede
immigration law lawyer overijssel
aliens law enschede
immigration law attorney enschede
Challenging entry ban
In Enschede and Overijssel, you can count on the expertise of Derbedrosian Immigration Lawyers, your specialized immigration law attorneys in Enschede. We understand that immigration law is complex and often involves entry bans. An entry ban can be imposed on individuals who do not meet the conditions for entry to the Netherlands and Schengen countries. The lifting of an entry ban is a legal process that is closely monitored by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). It is very important to take the right legal steps if you are facing an entry ban or if you want to try to get this ban lifted. Our immigration lawyers in Enschede are available to advise you and represent your interests in such cases. If you have questions about entry bans, the conditions for their lifting, or other immigration law issues, do not hesitate to contact Derbedrosian Immigration Lawyers. We are ready to help you and guide you through the complex world of immigration law.
An entry ban in the Netherlands is an important legal issue that can affect entry into the country for certain individuals. This ban can be imposed for various reasons and can vary in duration of time.

What does an entry ban entail?

An entry ban in the Netherlands is a measure that regulates and restricts entry into the country for certain individuals. Such restrictions can be put in place for a variety of reasons. Consider the COVID-19 pandemic, when travel restrictions were put in place to limit the spread of the virus in the Netherlands.

An entry ban can also be imposed if you are in the Netherlands illegally, meaning you are here without proper documentation, such as a valid visa or residence permit. Moreover, your stipulated departure period must have expired before an entry ban takes effect.

Several government agencies in the Netherlands have the authority to impose an entry ban. These agencies include the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), the Aliens Police, the Seaport Police and the Royal Military Police.

Entry ban lifting and conditions

If you want the entry ban to be lifted, there is the possibility of filing a "request for lifting". Please note, this can only be done in urgent situations. In this case, you write a letter to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) explaining why you believe the entry ban should be temporarily lifted.

To make this request, you must meet the following conditions.

  • In case of entry ban lasting 2 years or less: you must have already resided outside the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland for at least half the duration of the entry ban.
  • In case of entry ban lasting more than 2 years: the waiver must be necessary in your particular situation.
  • Important: you must not have committed serious crimes while outside the Netherlands and no criminal proceedings must be pending against you at the time.
  • Impact and objection law: it is very important to understand that these regulations may have significant consequences for persons who intend to travel, work or live in the Netherlands. You have the essential right to object to an entry ban if you, your partner or family member has been issued one.

Our specialized immigration law attorneys are ready to help you through this process and represent your interests so that you can take the right steps to address your situation.

Entry ban procedure

The procedure for imposing an entry ban in the Netherlands includes the following steps:

  • IND announcement: the procedure begins with a notice from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) explaining in detail why it intends to impose an entry ban.
  • Response time: upon receipt of this notice, you generally have four weeks to respond.
  • Objection: If, despite your response and efforts, the IND still decides to impose the entry ban, you have the right to object to this decision. This gives you the opportunity to present your case again and further explain your arguments.
  • Court proceedings: If your appeal to the IND is rejected, you have the option of taking further legal action by going to court. This is a formal legal procedure in which your case will be reviewed by the judiciary.

In short, the procedure for imposing an entry ban in the Netherlands is a complex and legally demanding process. It is highly recommended that you seek the assistance of an experienced attorney at any time during these proceedings to protect your interests and increase your chances of a positive outcome.

Lawyer entry ban

If you are facing an entry ban and have the desire to travel to the Netherlands again, it is very important to take legal action. You can contact one of our lawyers of Derbedrosian Law Firm for expert advice and assistance.

When you contact us, we will connect you with an attorney who specializes in the immigration law.

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